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Press Article: Marine sector should confront the rising cyber threat it faces

News & Insights 3 February 2020

The breakneck pace at which the marine industry is digitalising and increasing connectivity means it is critical for the sector to be more open about cyber attacks.

The breakneck pace at which the marine industry is digitalising and increasing connectivity means it is critical for the sector to be more open about cyber attacks.

It is not an overstatement to describe the rise of cyber risk in shipping as one of the most substantial threats to the industry for the coming decade. Yet when offered ways of transferring some of this risk, why do so many companies instead decide to run the digital gauntlet?

Henry Preedy-Naysmith, Deputy Underwriter for Strike and Delay, discusses why the marine sector should confront the rising cyber threat it faces in the latest issue of Insurance Day.

The article is available on the right, reproduced with kind permission, and on the Insurance Day website here

类别: Strike & Delay

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