Standard Club

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News: Beirut port update

News & Insights 17 August 2020

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We are informed that the Beirut Port container terminal Quay 16 is operating normally and container operations are ongoing.

We are informed that the Beirut Port container terminal Quay 16 is operating normally and container operations are ongoing. Further, that Quays 12, 13 & 14 are undamaged and two vessels have been discharging cargoes of wheat at Quays 13 & 14.

Cargo is being discharged using either the ship's own gear or the shore cranes which were not damaged from the blast. In the meantime, the Lebanese army and international teams continue search & rescue and clearance operations. 

Members are advised to contact their local agent prior to arrival at Beirut for further advice and/or whether their vessel will be directed by the authorities to another port in Lebanon. 

We thank Roger Mouracade of Maurice G Mouracade & Co, and Stefanel Whaiby of Elias Marine for their updates.

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