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Certainty, communication, and connectivity raises seafarers' satisfaction levels

News & Insights 3 January 2023

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Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) Quarter 3 2022 results measure the satisfaction levels of seafarers at a time when wellbeing initiatives and investments made by companies during the pandemic have long been established.

Man with safety helmet on deck

Efforts to improve life at sea for seafarers have not gone to naught as Q3 results reflects sustained optimism with an overall average of 7.3/10, a small uptick from 7.21 in the previous quarter. 

With border restrictions easing in most countries and international travel picking up, the uncertainty of returning home or getting back to work is no longer ambivalent. Certainty and control over their contracts brings seafarer's comfort when managing relationships with loved ones ashore.

I can be honest now when I speak with home, I had to lie and say I would be home when I knew I would not. Now it feels better. - Participating seafarer

This directly links with another major contributor to happiness at sea - better communications and connectivity. Efficient and cost-effective Wi-Fi access is highly desired, and the knock-on effect this has on mental wellbeing is clear. Despite technology advancing rapidly, access, allotment, bandwidth, and quality of the internet leaves more to be desired on some vessels. 

I feel so much happier when I have spoken to someone at home, life onboard feels so much better. - Participating seafarer

Every bit of improvement counts; be it in connectivity, catering, training, wages, working hours etc. However, it is the synergy of these continuous adjustments across the industry that can bring about real long term positive and impactful changes for seafarers. 

Stay tuned to this space as we unpack Q3 results, piece together the seafarer condition and what implications this has for all of us.   

The Loss Prevention department at Standard Club is dedicated to improving seafarer welfare, and testament to that commitment, the club is a signatory on the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change as well as a proud sponsor of the Seafarers Happiness Index, a report by Mission to Seafarers

Category: Loss Prevention

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