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News: Singapore MPA announces further enhancements to crew change procedures and Chinese Ports issue specific crew change measures

News & Insights 11 November 2020

Singapore MPA announces further enhancements to crew change procedures and Chinese Ports issue specific crew change measures

Singapore MPA has released a new circular (PMC 42) announcing further enhancements to crew change procedures in the port of Singapore. The new circular encapsulates all the requirements along with notification requirements for arranging crew changes in Singapore. PMC 42 of 2020 is available for download on the right.

Following the notice from the Chinese authorities to allow foreign crew change at 10 ports under strict COVID 19 prevention and control conditions the ports of Shanghai, Qingdao, Tianjin and Dalian have established specific measures. These are available in the circular available on the right, issued by correspondents Oasis P&I.

In an update published in Trade Winds recently, it has been reported that the Chinese authorities will also be requiring blood tests for Covid-19 antibodies, in addition to the blood and saliva tests already in place for active coronavirus infections. The additional requirements may slow down the crew change process in China. We recommend members to contact the local agents or correspondents for the latest information at specific ports.

We would like to thank Oasis P&I and Trade Winds for this information.


カテゴリ: COVID-19, Loss Prevention

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