Standard Club

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Web Alert: Mosquito-borne diseases & shipboard sanitary inspections in Brazil

News & Insights 2 November 2016

Following the recent attention relating to the mosquito-borne diseases in Brazil and further to the club’s previous Web Alert on the problems with ship sanitation certificates (SSCC/SSCEC) in Brazil, the club’s local correspondent (Representacoes Proinde Ltda.) has issued practical guidance to assist ships calling Brazilian ports.

Following the recent attention relating to the mosquito-borne diseases in Brazil and further to the club’s previous web alert on the problems with ship sanitation certificates (SSCC/SSCEC) in Brazil, the club’s local correspondent (Representacoes Proinde Ltda.) has issued practical guidance to assist ships calling Brazilian ports.

For full details, members are advised to refer to the attached documents.

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