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Web Alert: Health and Safety Report 2017 published by Oil & Gas UK

News & Insights 2 August 2017

The report highlights the industry’s continuous efforts for the safety and well-being of the offshore workforce

The Oil & Gas UK published its latest report regarding health and safety data for the UK offshore oil and gas industry which provides an overall picture of the trends, issues and themes of the sector’s performance on the UK Continental Shelf during 2016.

The report highlights the industry’s continuous efforts for the safety and well-being of the offshore workforce in general, as well as the need to protect the natural environment and its assets by maintaining safe operations throughout the sector. It is evident from the report that dangerous incidents such as oil and gas releases, dropped objects, fires and explosions are at a record low (292 incidents in 2016) while the rate for non-fatal injury incidents remain relatively low in comparison with other industrial sectors in the UK (for example manufacturing, transport/storage and construction).

With decommissioning activities soon to be on the rise on the UK Continental Shelf, the report emphasises the need to overcome the challenges of this new period and to maintain the current focus on safety as well as the need to remain focused on managing the inherent risks of working in the offshore industry.

For further information and access to the data provided by the Health & Safety Report 2017, please click here.

类别: Offshore & Renewables

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