Standard Club

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Web Alert: Conclusion of The Standard Club/ ICS 'Spot the Hazard' competition

News & Insights 23 November 2016

The Standard Club would like to announce the final conclusion of its recent joint initiative with The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the 'Spot the Hazard Competition'.

The Standard Club would like to announce the final conclusion of its recent joint initiative with the International Chamber of Shipping (ICS), the 'Spot the Hazard Competition'. This competition required seafarers to identify potential hazards in a series of typical onboard scenes and provide an original safety idea. Five winners were selected and each received a prize of $2,000 and a certificate. The response to this competition amongst the seafaring community was most encouraging, with just over 1,500 competition entries being submitted from across the spectrums of rank, sector and nationality. To round off the competition, each individual hazard scene was added to a final A1 poster which is currently being distributed to members of The Standard Club and ICS. All of the hazards have been marked on the poster and a link is provided to enable seafarers to obtain a description and rationale for each hazard.

The Standard Club would like to thank its partners ICS for the effort and expertise they provided during the development and execution of this initiative.

For more information see the following links: ICS press release​ and The Standard Club web alert

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