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乌克兰和俄罗斯海员分别占海员总数的 10.5% 和 4%(2021 年 BIMCO 数据),而他们都已经切实感受到俄乌局势带来的影响。海员及其家属直接被卷入战争,处境非常危险、异常艰难。船上的海员都非常担心家人的情况,尤其是与家人失去联系、但在海上却又无法重新建立通讯渠道时。疫情期间船员换班存在不确定性,加之无法与亲人取得联络,海员的心理健康防线随时可能崩溃。
要获取有关乌克兰冲突的最新新闻、洞察和制裁最新消息,可以通过标准保赔协会官网 俄乌专题报道的新闻页面查看。
标准保赔协会密切关注着俄乌局势对海员心理健康的影响。除工作小组提供的帮助外,协会官网的 海员福祉专题页面 中还提供系列资源,重点涵盖海员的身心健康和社会福利等内容。特别值得关注的是 2019 年获奖的“海员福祉海报”。海报专为在船舶上张贴而设计,并就船员在海上期间如何照料个人起居、如何保障自身福祉等内容提供建议。
1. The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN)
任何受乌克兰危机影响的海员或其家属都可以通过 SeafarerHelp 获得情感支持。ISWAN 免费提供 24 小时多语种服务热线。SeafarerHelp 团队每周 7 天随时愿意聆听任何焦虑不安或需要找人倾诉的海员或其家属的心声。可以通过 www.seafarerhelp.org 与该团队取得联系并进行实时聊天。
ISWAN 还代表国际海员援助基金 (Seafarers International Relief Fund) 管理新设立的乌克兰危机援助基金 (Ukraine Crisis Support Fund)。乌克兰危机援助基金是一项小额赠款基金,专为受乌克兰危机影响、急需经济帮助的海员及其家属设立。该基金提供高达 500 美元的一次性赠款,可用于支付医疗费、租金、生活费或儿童教育资金在内的费用。如果乌克兰危机直接造成海员死亡,其近亲可获得最高达 1000 美元的补偿。乌克兰危机援助基金不受理海员个人提出的申请 – 需由以海员为中心的组织(包括海事福利慈善机构、海事工会、港口福利委员会、船舶管理公司或配员代理)代表海员或其家属进行申请。要了解更多信息,请访问 ISWAN 官网: www.seafarerswelfare.org/relief-funds/ukraine-crisis-support-fund。
- ISWAN for Seafarers 应用:通过 Google Play 或 App Store 下载
海员下载 ISWAN for Seafarers 后,只需轻轻一点即可通过 ISWAN SeafarerHelp 24 小时服务热线获得帮助。此外,海员可通过离线方式访问该应用程序内 ISWAN 全部身心健康资源,其中包括自助心理健康指南。
国际基督教海事协会 (International Christian Maritime Association, ICMA) 提供在线信使服务,为有意愿与港口牧师沟通的海员及其家属提供 24 小时全面的情感支持。
- 乌克兰海员、码头工人及其家属专用服务热线:电话 +48 789 869 377
此热线由波兰海事协调委员会国际运输工人联合会方便旗和方便港事务属会 (Polish Coordinating Committee of Maritime ITF Affiliates on FOC and POC Campaigns)(包括所有波兰海事工会 (Polish Maritime Trade Unions))专门为乌克兰海员、码头工人及其家属创建。波兰海事工会的代表提供 7*24 小时全天候服务。
要了解更多信息,请访问 ISWAN 官网乌克兰专区页面 - 乌克兰危机 | SeafarerHelp
2. The Mission to Seafarers (MtS)
The Mission to Seafarers (MtS) 的业务遍及全球 50 个国家的 200 个港口。前线牧师和船舶访客愿意为卷入乌克兰危机的海员花费更多时间并为其提供特别关怀。如果在船船员需要联系在乌克兰或乌克兰周边国家的家属,可以免费使用已预充费用的 SIM 卡和 MiFi 设备。
海员可以利用 MtS Crewhelp@mtsmail.org 或 MtS Chat 等数字化方式与牧师聊天,享受 7*24 小时全天候服务,获得情感支持和精神援助。
MtS 针对船员漂泊海上担心家乡亲人却又感到无能为力的情况编制了一份关于如何管理精神创伤的指南。目前,前线工作人员正在分发该指南,海员可选择英语版和乌克兰语版。
The Mission to Seafarers 是国际海员援助基金的成员,为乌克兰海员及其家属提供财务帮助。国际海员援助基金是所有海事慈善机构的合作机构。此外,MtS 还在运营 Samaritan’s fund。为满足紧急情况需要,该基金的规模已扩大一倍。
3. Stella Maris
全球海事网络 Stella Maris 正在为受乌克兰战争影响的海员提供切实的心理疏导。Stella Maris 充分理解乌克兰海员担心家乡亲人和朋友的安全,并因此承受着巨大的痛苦。在定期访问英国港口船舶时,该组织会为乌克兰海员免费提供电话卡和 SIM 卡。
许多乌克兰海员还担心目前的海上合同结束后长期就业前景暗淡。在这方面,Stella Maris 的牧师也会为海员提供切实的心理疏导。
Stella Maris 乌克兰籍总监、敖德萨港口牧师 Oleksandr Smerechynsky 神父和船舶访客 Rostyslav 正在与当地教会和援助机构联系,安排向船舶运送紧急物资和药品,同时为该市居民提供精神关怀。
Alex 神父已经开始每周为乌克兰海员及其家属录制主日福音章节和反思视频。Stella Maris 通过其社交媒体共享相关资源。
Stella Maris 完全支持国际海事组织的倡议,即确保海员平安、安全,确保海员不成为大规模政治和军事危机的间接受害者。
“Stella Maris 强烈呼吁各国政府确保所有卷入这场危机中海员的安全,确保他们享有充足的登岸假,确保他们能够获得我们的福利服务。”
可以通过网络在线查看 Stella Maris 祷告服务 的相关资源。要了解 Stella Maris 及其服务的更多信息,请访问其 官网。
4. Sailors' Society
自冲突爆发以来,Sailors’ Society 的牧师和港口外展团队一直忙于向海员发放 WiFi 设备和电话卡,帮助他们与亲人取得联系。 尽管乌克兰局势迅速升级,Sailors’ Society 为受危机影响的海员提供帮助的步伐却没有停歇。目前提供的额外帮助包括:
- 增加海员及其家属的紧急赠款资金,
- 招募更多训练有素的工作人员投入其危机应对网络 (CRN),
- 提高服务热线响应能力,
- 成立同伴帮助特别小组,帮助受危机影响的海员及其家属。
服务群体包括任何受此危机影响的人,不仅限于乌克兰和俄罗斯海员/经营人。Sailors’ Society 为经营人提供特定服务,协助安排:
- 预订船舶前往 Sailors’ Society 牧师所在的港口,探访慰问海员
- 与乌克兰船员所在船舶建立通话连接(一对一通话或群聊均可)
同伴帮助小组基于 Sailors’ Society 的一个项目,该项目前身是“海上健康”培训的一部分。 同伴帮助小组的运作模式如下:
- 海员可以加入 WhatsApp 链接(见下文)。
- 登录后,工作人员会亲自和海员问好,了解其国籍信息、加入原因以及需要的具体帮助。 海员还可以获得 CRN 团队的联系方式。
- 然后根据用户国籍,将其划分到乌克兰组、俄罗斯组或普通组。
- 这些组别不具政治性,其目的仅限于帮助海员实现情绪健康、身体健康和精神健康。
- Sailors’ Society 会报告并相应升级任何安全方面或需要 CRN 团队帮助的问题。
要加入同伴帮助聊天,请点击 https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ims2jwNK2LXLPA8Q9XCVIS
Sailors’ Society 发起了一项呼吁,为所有受此次危机影响的海员提供额外帮助 - 要了解详情,请访问其 官网。

1. The International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN)
Emotional support is available to any seafarer or seafarer’s family who have been affected by the crisis in Ukraine via SeafarerHelp. This free, 24-hour, multilingual helpline is operated by the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN). The SeafarerHelp team is available 7 days a week to offer a listening ear to any seafarer or family member who is worried or needs someone to talk to. Contact details and Live Chat can be found at www.seafarerhelp.org.
ISWAN is also managing the new Ukraine Crisis Support Fund on behalf of the Seafarers International Relief Fund. The Ukraine Crisis Support Fund is a small grants fund for seafarers and their families who have been impacted by the Ukraine crisis and need immediate and urgent financial support. One-time financial grants of up to US$500 are available to help with expenses including medical, rent, living costs, or educational support for children. Compensation of up to US$1,000 is available to next of kin if a seafarer has died as a direct consequence of the Ukraine crisis. Individual seafarers cannot apply to the Ukraine Crisis Support Fund – seafarer-centred organisations (including maritime welfare charities, maritime unions, port welfare committees, ship management companies or manning agents) must apply on a seafarer’s or family’s behalf. More information can be found on ISWAN’s website: www.seafarerswelfare.org/relief-funds/ukraine-crisis-support-fund.
Seafarers affected or concerned by what is happening in Ukraine can find support and information via the services and links listed below.
- ISWAN for Seafarers app: Download via Google Play or the App Store
Seafarers can download the ISWAN for Seafarers app for access to support from ISWAN's 24-hour helplines SeafarerHelp at the touch of a button. The app also offers offline access to all of ISWAN's mental and physical health resources, including self-help mental wellbeing guides.
- Chat with a Chaplain: icma.as/chat-with-a-chaplain/
An online messenger service by the International Christian Maritime Association (ICMA), providing 24-hour holistic and spiritual support both for seafarers and their families wishing to speak to a port chaplain.
- Dedicated helpline for Ukrainian seafarers, dockers and their families: Call +48 789 869 377
The Polish Coordinating Committee of Maritime ITF Affiliates on FOC and POC campaigns, including all Polish Maritime Trade Unions, has created this phone number dedicated especially for Ukrainian seafarers, dockers and their families. The representatives of Polish Maritime Trade Unions work 24 hours per day and 7 days per week.
For more information visit the dedicated Ukraine area on ISWAN Website - Ukraine crisis | SeafarerHelp

2. The Mission to Seafarers (MtS)
The Mission to Seafarers (MtS) global operation stretches across 200 ports and 50 countries. Frontline Chaplains and ship visitors are providing special care and time to those caught up in the Ukrainian crisis. Free SIM cards and MiFi units, loaded with additional funds are available to any ship’s crew who have family in Ukraine or surrounding countries and need to get in touch with them.
MtS is on hand in a digital capacity to provide emotional and spiritual assistance via Crewhelp@mtsmail.org or MtS Chat to a Chaplain service which is manned 24/7.
MtS has produced a guide in English and Ukrainian on how to manage trauma, especially at sea when seafarers feel even more helpless to support their families at home, which is being handed out via frontline staff.
The Mission to Seafarers is a member of the Seafarers International Relief Fund, which is a collaboration between all the maritime charities, to provide financial support to Ukrainian seafarers and their families. In addition, MtS operates a Samaritan’s fund which has been doubled in size to accommodate urgent needs.

3. Stella Maris
A global maritime network, Stella Maris is providing practical and pastoral support to seafarers affected by the war in Ukraine. Recognising the anguish of Ukrainian seafarers who are anxious about the safety of their family and friends at home, Stella Maris is making phone cards and data SIMs available to Ukrainian seafarers free of charge as part of their regular visits to vessels in UK ports.
Stella Maris chaplains have also been providing practical and emotional support to many Ukrainian seafarers who are worried about their long-term employment prospects once they finish their contracts.
Fr Oleksandr Smerechynskyy, Stella Maris Ukraine national director and Odessa port chaplain along with ship visitor Rostyslav, are liaising with local churches and aid agencies to arrange delivery of emergency provisions and medicines to ships while providing spiritual care for the city's population.
Fr Alex has begun recording weekly Sunday Gospel reading and reflection videos for Ukrainian seafarers and their families. The recordings are shared on Stella Maris social media channels.
Stella Maris fully supports the call by the International Maritime Organization to ensure that seafarers are safe and secure, and that they must not be collateral victims in a larger political and military crisis.
“Stella Maris urges all governments to ensure the safety of all seafarers caught up in this crisis, their entitlement to adequate shore leave and their access to our welfare services.”
A recording of Stella Maris' prayer service is available online. More information about Stella Maris and their services can be found on their website.

4. Sailors' Society
Since the conflict started, Sailors’ Society chaplains and port outreach team have been helping seafarers to phone home, by giving out Wi-Fi units and providing phone cards. As the situation in Ukraine has quickly escalated, Sailors’ Society are providing support for seafarers affected by this crisis. The additional measures in place include:
- Increasing the funds available for emergency grants for seafarers and their families,
- Drafting in more trained staff to resource their Crisis Response Network (CRN),
- Increasing capacity to be able to respond to more calls to their helpline and,
- Setting up a dedicated peer support groups to assist crisis affected seafarers and families.
Services available to Shipowners
Focus is not only on Ukrainian and Russian seafarers/operators, but anyone who is affected. Sailors’ Society have specific services available to operators to assist with arrangements of:
- Booking ship visits to ports where Sailors’ Society have chaplains, so they can meet with affected seafarers
- Setting up ship connect calls to vessels with Ukrainian crew (arranged as 1-to-1 or group calls)
Peer support groups build on a programme Sailors’ Society previously developed as part of their ‘Wellness at Sea’ training. Peer support groups work in the following way:
- Seafarers can join the WhatsApp link (below).
- Once logged in, staff will meet and greet them personally, ask their nationality, their reason for joining, and specific assistance required. They are also provided with the CRN contact details.
- Users are then allocated to either a Ukrainian, Russian or general group, according to nationality.
- The groups are NOT political but focus on how they can support one another, supporting seafarers emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
- Any concerns in terms of safeguarding or where assistance from their CRN team is required, Sailors’ Society reports and escalates accordingly.
Access the peer Support chat https://chat.whatsapp.com/Ims2jwNK2LXLPA8Q9XCVIS
Ukrainian Appeal
Sailors’ Society has launched an appeal to raise funds to enable additional support for all seafarers affected by this crisis - you can find details on their website.