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Stop Work project: Strengthening the dialogue on safe working in the maritime industry
News & Insights 6 October 2021
The Standard Club is honoured to be part of the Stop Work project, led by Raccoon Games and Quattor P.

The Standard Club, alongside other international partners, is honoured to be part of the Stop Work project, led by Raccoon Games and Quattor P, a safety consultancy and research agency. The project’s aim is to deliver an educational game for seafarers, that will teach its participants in a fun manner the critical importance of stopping work whenever an unforeseen event arises.
As a major marine liability insurer, the Standard Club frequently learns of serious accidents and incidents which arise as the people involved failed to assess risks present and think critically before continuing with the operation. We are, therefore, very supportive of initiatives that encourage safety awareness in the work place and particularly the need for timely and decisive interventions.
We look forward to continuing the work on the development of this game and how it will support our aim to improve safety in the maritime industry.
类别: Loss Prevention