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Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) Quarter 3 2021 - being at sea for long periods takes its toll
News & Insights 11 November 2021
The more time spent at sea, the lower a seafarer’s satisfaction levels will sink.

Seafarers Happiness Index (SHI) Quarter 3 2021 reports an overall average score of 6.59/10, an uptick from 5.99 in Q2. Giving us an indication of the true emotional trajectory of seafarers after struggling for around 21 months since the pandemic.
Seafarer interactions have always performed exceptionally pre-Covid. This was important as social interactions built a sense of camaraderie and togetherness on board that translated into a bond and mutual understanding that held the crew in good stead.
The pandemic threw a spanner in the works when it came to crew changes and shore leave, pushing tensions to a new high. Unfortunately, this manifested in accusations of bullying, intimidation, and victimisation. Unearthed alongside this are difficulties in reporting channels or getting action taken against perpetrators.
It is vital that good onboard leadership as well as various industry schemes and efforts to enforce positive practices are supported, accepted, and used.
Given the stressful climate, this quarter also saw an increase in responses that focused on mental health issues. One narrative was particularly concerning as it reveals how easily one can disregard the warning signs of a poor mental state. A seafarer confessed to feeling increasingly anxious, stressed and even began to have trouble sleeping, engaging, and focusing on work. However having never experienced 'these kinds of feelings before', he did not pay much heed to his state of emotions on board until he noticed how different he felt when he got home.
This could be the case for many other seafarers as well. Efforts to educate and inform are vital and more attention need to be paid to mental health issues before they escalate.
Stay tuned to this space as we unpack Q3 results, piece together the seafarer condition and what implications this has for all of us.
The Loss Prevention department at Standard Club is dedicated to improving seafarer welfare, and testament to that commitment, the club is a signatory on the Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Wellbeing and Crew Change as well as a proud sponsor of the Seafarers Happiness Index, a report by Mission to Seafarers.
类别: Loss Prevention