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News: Guidance on abduction of crew in the Sulu Seas and waters off Eastern Sabeh

News & Insights 12 September 2019

ReCAAP ISC have published guidance in light of the cluster of incidents spanning from 2016.

ReCAAP ISC have published 'Guidance on Abduction of Crew in the Sulu Seas and Waters off Eastern Sabeh' in light of the cluster of incidents spanning from 2016. The full article can be found in the attachment on the right.

The publication provides the guidance and analysis based on the information collected from past incidents in order to assist the shipping industry and ships to enhance their situation awareness and avoid such incidents. This guidance complements the general guidance contained in the 'Regional Guide to Counter Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia.'

It is noted that between 2016 and June 2019, a total of 29 incidents of abduction of crew (18 actual incidents and 11 attempted incidents) were reported by the Philippine Coast Guard to ReCAAP ISC.

ReCAAP ISC provide a warning that despite the efforts by the Philippine authorities and the decrease in reported incidents, the perpetrators of the Abu Sayyaf Group are still active in the region and looking for any opportunity to abduct crew from ships.

The club’s previous publications for further guidance can be found on the right.

For further information, please contact your usual contact at the club or the author of this article.

类别: Maritime Security

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