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News: Drug smuggling on bulk carriers out of Brazil on the rise

News & Insights 16 June 2021

Further to the club’s article on 'smuggling fines, breach of customs regulations and operational best practice', the local correspondents in Brazil (Proinde) have reported a surge of drug smuggling incidents, particularly on bulk...

Asian ship crew on oil tanker

Further to the club’s article on 'smuggling fines, breach of customs regulations and operational best practice', the local correspondents in Brazil (Proinde) have reported a surge of drug smuggling incidents, particularly on bulk carriers out of Brazil.

Attached article provides background to this problem and an overview of the main drug trafficking routes. Even though Brazil is not a significant producer of the stimulant drug, it is the second largest consumer and shares extensive unguarded land borders with the three producing countries, which are increasingly relying on the Brazilian ports along the Atlantic coast as a transhipment point to ship drugs to Europe, Africa and Asia. Being one of the busiest ports in Latin America, the number of seizures at Santos has noticeably increased in recent years.

The article outlines preventative measures that can be implemented onboard to enhance the level of shipboard security. Members are also recommended to refer to the club’s article on 'drug smuggling preventative measures' and maintain their due diligence when calling at any port that are known to be susceptible to drug trafficking.

类别: Loss Prevention

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