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Latin American Bulletin, December 2015

News & Insights 8 December 2015

In this third Latin American special edition of The Standard Bulletin, we wanted to focus on a common theme that we believe is affecting many countries in the region: shipping legal updates and reforms.

In this third Latin American special edition of The Standard Bulletin, we wanted to focus on a common theme that we believe is affecting many countries in the region: shipping legal updates and reforms.


Arbitration: a solution to Brazilian judiciary crisis?
In light of the difficulties that Brazilian courts are facing, arbitration seems to be the best method of dispute resolution to reduce time and costs, and to obtain sound judgments.

Introduction of a new right to limit liability in Brazil – implications for the offshore sector
It is important for shipowners to be able to rely upon the maritime right to limit liability, especially for those operating in the offshore sector where they can face potentially onerous financial exposures. We expect our members to rely upon the right to limit, in jurisdictions where it is available, as a condition of P&I cover. 



Uruguayan Shipping Law update
Recent legislative initiatives aim to bring the maritime legal framework of Uruguay in line with the needs of the shipping industry. This article looks at the introduction of Law No 19.246. 

Latest developments in Chilean Shipping Law
Chilean maritime law is essentially contained in Book III of the Code of Commerce and in Decree Law N° 2,222 enacted on 31 May 1978 (the ‘Law of Navigation’). Irrespective of the 2013 update, the whole body is in need of substantial reform. 


New Argentinian Civil and Commercial Code
On 1 August 2015, the new Argentinian Civil and Commercial Code (the ‘New Code’) came into force. The New Code contains a chapter that covers the carriage of passengers and goods in general terms, without making a specific reference to the mode of transport, i.e. by sea, road or air. In this article, we consider how the New Code might affect maritime law in Argentina and, in particular, shipowners’ rights, defences and liabilities.   

The Standard Syndicate at Lloyd's

Property cover from The Standard Syndicate
The Standard Syndicate offers property cover as one of its six main classes of business. This article explains more about the cover available.


类别: Offshore & Renewables

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