Standard Club

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News: Brazil soya bean harvesting delays

News & Insights 22 February 2021

The usual harvesting season in Brazil runs from January to March each year; however, that process has been delayed by a drought last year that slowed plantings, and heavy rainfall recently.

Brazil is one of the top global producers and exporters of soya beans. The usual harvesting season runs from January to March each year; however, that process has been delayed by a drought last year that slowed plantings, and heavy rainfall recently.

The supplies are expected to normalise by March, which is raising concerns for the entire logistic chain - issues related to port congestion, vessel delays and impact on freight rates are expected for members engaged in carriage of soybeans from Brazil to China. The quality of oil seeds could also be affected due to excess moisture content.

Members with ships engaged in carriage of soya beans from Brazil are recommended to refer to the club’s guidance on 'Carriage of soya beans' and previous news item on 'Practical guidance for loading soya beans in Brazil', and ensure that adequate measures are in place to avoid any preventable claims.

Category: Loss Prevention

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