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News: IMO issues recommendations for port and coastal states

News & Insights 7 July 2020

IMO in its latest circular has issued recommendations for port and coastal states to provide for prompt and efficient disembarkation of seafarers to receive medical care ashore.

One of the many challenges facing international shipping during the COVID-19 pandemic has been arranging access for seafarers to medical care. Addressing this challenge requires that relevant authorities in port and coastal States work with ships to protect the health of seafarers.

IMO in its latest circular has issued recommendations for port and coastal states to provide for prompt and efficient disembarkation of seafarers to receive medical care ashore. The circular issues guidance on the requirements when there are suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 onboard the ship as well as when there aren’t any suspected or confirmed cases onboard and the seafarer requires medical attention for other reasons.

The circular is attached on the right for download.

Categories: COVID-19, Loss Prevention

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