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News: Seafarer Wellbeing poster set 1 - Healthy diet and lifestyle

News & Insights 26 November 2019

The first topic we focus on as part of our exciting new poster campaign is the healthy diet and lifestyle element of physical wellbeing. Your health is in your hands, is is a personal choice to live a healthy lifestyle and take responsbility for your diet.

* PLEASE NOTE the Standard Club Seafarer Wellbeing Poster campaign was designed to focus on four topics considered to have the biggest impact on seafarer wellbeing in modern times, with advice appropriate for the time of release, November 2019. While it continues to be relevant to the daily lives of present-day seafarers, it does not reflect the impact due to the current world health pandemic, COVID-19. You should follow the latest advice on how to care for your health and protect others during the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the World Health Organisation (WHO) website and through your national and local public health authority.*

Seafarer wellbeing has been a focal topic for The Standard Club's Loss Prevention team, particularly in recent years. Seafarer wellbeing is a holistic concept combining physical, mental, and social wellbeing. People often forget how mental and physical wellbeing are linked. You can only be as happy as you are healthy, in body and mind!

This article focuses on the healthy diet and lifestyle element of physical wellbeing. Posters dedicated to this topic are attached on the right.

Healthy diet and lifestyle

Your health is in your hands, it is a personal choice to live a healthy lifestyle. You can start taking responsibility of your diet by avoiding unhealthy foods that are high in sugar, salt, saturated and trans fats and eating the right amount to fuel the body without overeating.

Junk food is high in calories and low in nutritional value, so you should avoid them. A bowl of white rice is worth 200 calories, which would require a person to walk approximately 3km to burn it off. Comparatively, a fried chicken drumstick is about 120 calories and a Big Mac is 250 calories. Steamed food, grilled vegetables or Japanese sashimi are healthy alternatives.

In order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, a seafarer must carefully balance food intake with regular exercise. So, if you eat more, remember to exercise more. Moderation is key!

Always know your limits, exercise with caution, safety first! Next time think twice before you reach for a second bowl of white rice!

For more information on this topic, please read the full article linked below, which provides tips, advice and information to help you educate yourself, your crew, and promote positive health and wellbeing onboard the ship.

Category: Loss Prevention

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