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Web Alert: ISWAN updates its guidance on dealing with the aftermath of Piracy attacks

News & Insights 7 June 2016

The maritime charity International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network, (ISWAN) has recently released an updated version of their publication entitled 'Humanitarian support of seafarers and their families in cases of armed robbery and piracy attack'.

The maritime charity International Seafarers' Welfare and Assistance Network, (ISWAN)  has recently released an updated version of their publication entitled 'Humanitarian support of seafarers and their families in cases of armed robbery and piracy attack'. This publication is a good practice guide for shipping companies and manning agents and is designed to help them provide support for seafarers who have been the subject of robbery or piracy.
The guide was ​updated with the aid of the International Chamber of Shipping, International Maritime Bureau, the International Maritime Employers Council and the Oil companies International Marine Forum. 

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