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USCG PSC annual report 2021
The US Coast Guard’s Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance has recently released Port State Control (PSC) Annual Report for 2021.
In 2021, 8,663 PSC exams were conducted by USCG which surpassed the 2019 pre-pandemic total of...

The US Coast Guard’s Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance has recently released Port State Control (PSC) Annual Report for 2021.
In 2021, 8,663 PSC exams were conducted by USCG which surpassed the 2019 pre-pandemic total of 8,622 PSC exams.
The total number of ships detained in 2021 for environmental protection, safety, and security related deficiencies increased from 57 to 63.
The annual detention rate decreased from 0.77 percent to 0.73 percent. The three-year rolling average detention ratio decreased from 1.02 percent to 0.87 percent.
The number of detentions related to fire safety decreased while those related to lifesaving systems increased over last year.
Beginning in 2021, the USCG initiated the Enhanced Exam Program (EEP). This program is similar to the Concentrated Inspection Campaigns (CICs) carried out by port state control MoUs, and it is intended to increase focus on specific aspects of ship safety on a quarterly basis.
The goal of the EEP is to generate meaningful data on exam points of interest, while limiting the additional workload of the PSCOs. The information collected can then be considered for evaluating policy effectiveness, and determine if adjustments need to be made in the future. In 2021, PSCOs carried out enhanced exams as part of routine port state control exams on ballast water compliance, fire and abandon ship drills, and MARPOL Annex VI.
The enhanced exams conducted resulted in 41 ballast water, 8 fire and abandon drills, and 13 MARPOL Annex IV deficiencies. Through the ballast water EEP, additional clarity was gained on the methods that vessels are using to maintain compliance. It was established over a 3-month period that 56% of the ships surveyed used a USCG approved ballast water management system, while 22% of ships possessed an extension letter. It is also worth noting that during the fire and abandon ship drills, deficiencies occurred in less than 1% of exams conducted.
Category: Loss Prevention