Standard Club

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Standard Club PEME scheme

News & Insights 20 October 2022

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Seafarers are examined in accordance with medical guidelines developed by MAMS and agreed by Standard Club. Since an adverse diagnosis may have considerable impact on a seafarer’s ability to work, measures have been enacted to...

Senior woman at desk

Seafarers are examined in accordance with medical guidelines developed by MAMS and agreed by Standard Club. Since an adverse diagnosis may have considerable impact on a seafarer’s ability to work, measures have been enacted to ensure that PEME decisions are both fair and correct. Where doubt exists as to the fitness of a seafarer, the clinic is required to refer the case to MAMS (with full details) to enable one of MAMS’s occupational health specialists to review the case and ensure that an impartial decision is made. 

For more information, visit our PEME page.

Category: PEME

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