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News: Singapore MPA and PSA announce tightening of restrictions
Singapore MPA has released new Port Marine Circulars (PMC) 19 and 20 of 2021 announcing new measures to control the spread of Covid-19.

Singapore MPA has released new Port Marine Circulars (PMC) 19 and 20 of 2021 announcing new measures to control the spread of Covid-19.
Ship owners, agents and masters of vessels arriving in Singapore are reminded of their responsibility to implement and comply with all prevailing requirements and measures to reduce risk of COVID-19 transmission in Singapore, in particular, safe management measures directly applicable to vessels in the Port of Singapore.
Circular 19 includes 4 annexes.
Annex A of the circular refers to Contactless operations and contactless operations with segregation protocols.
Annex B enumerates the requirements for Shore-Based personnel boarding vessels at anchorages, shipyards, terminals and marinas.
Annex C gives guidance on the Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) for Maritime Frontline Workers. and
Annex D specifies the measures which need to be taken for vessels when shore-based personnel are required to board a vessel.
PMC 20 of 2021 gives further guidance on requirements for vessels arriving from countries with sustained increase in COVID-19 cases.
PSA Corporation Singapore has issued a circular requiring enhanced safe management measures at PSA Singapore terminals for contactless (segregated) cargo operations.
The circulars are attached for download below.
Categories: COVID-19, Loss Prevention