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News: Practical guidance for loading soya beans in Brazil

News & Insights 9 December 2020

The Standard Club has seen an increase in claims activity related to the carriage of soya bean cargoes in the past few years. This is particularly evident in the trade of this cargo between Brazil and China.

As highlighted in the club’s publication, the Standard Club has seen an increase in claims activity related to the carriage of soya bean cargoes in the past few years. This is particularly evident in the trade of this cargo between Brazil and China.

Members with ships engaged in carriage of soya beans cargo from Brazil are recommended to refer to a comprehensive guide published by the club’s local correspondents (Representacoes Proinde Ltda). This publication provides an in-depth analysis of the growing trade of soya beans and an insight on the practical measures that need to be undertaken for ensuring safe carriage of this cargo.​

Category: Loss Prevention

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