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News: INTERCARGO urges world leaders to ensure that seafarers are designated as key workers and have access to a prioritised vaccination programme
News & Insights 31 March 2021
INTERCARGO has now released a media statement highlighting the difficulties faced by the dry shipping sector in ensuring that the crew are vaccinated.

Further to the club’s earlier webalerts in relation to the ICS and other industry bodies releasing guidance on vaccination, INTERCARGO has now released a media statement highlighting the difficulties faced by the dry shipping sector in ensuring that the crew are vaccinated.
INTERCARGO states that a number of port states are suggesting that all crew on board a vessel must be vaccinated as a pre-condition of entering their ports, and indeed insisting on a particular brand of vaccine.
INTERCARGO feels that the industry needs to co-ordinate a worldwide vaccination programme for seafarers under WHO and making WHO approved vaccinations available to seafarers in their home country as a priority.
INTERCARGO is participating in a joint industry Vaccination Taskforce, led by the International Chamber of Shipping, aimed at providing clear solutions and practical guidance in the increasingly complex situation.
The INTERCARGO media release and the guidance on vaccinations are available for download on the right.
Categories: COVID-19, Loss Prevention