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News: Committee on Marine Transportation publishes COVID-19 reference guides

News & Insights 11 November 2020

Members should be aware that the COVID-19 working group of the US Committee on Marine Transportation System (CMTS) has published several useful references guides.

Members should be aware that the COVID-19 working group of the US Committee on Marine Transportation System (CMTS) has published several useful references guides. The CMTS is a Federal interagency coordinating committee that includes representatives from Federal departments and agencies with responsibilities concerning the adequacy of the US marine transportation system (MTS) including ports, waterways and intermodal connections.

The CMTS published three reference guides on the recommendation of industry participants which summarize guidance and resources related to COVID-19 by Federal agency or initiative. The following reference guides were published:

Catalog of COVID-19 Federal guidance and references for the US maritime industry

Catalog of COVID-19 best management practices for the US maritime industry

Mental health resources for the US merchant mariners and critical workforce in the MTS

Click the links above to access the references guides, they can also be found on the US Coast Guard website​. If you have any questions about this news item, please contact your usual claims handler for further assistance.

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