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Military exercises off Taiwan waters (4-7 August 2022)
The club has recently received a number of member queries regarding tightening of security measures for vessels calling Taiwan or transiting Taiwan Straits.
As such, the club has checked with local correspondents and have been...

The club has recently received a number of member queries regarding tightening of security measures for vessels calling Taiwan or transiting Taiwan Straits.
As such, the club has checked with local correspondents and have been advised that all ports in Taiwan are currently operating as usual. However, the Maritime and Port Bureau of Taiwan (MPB) has published a few notices urging vessels to avoid passing through the exclusion zones where China plans to conduct live-fire military drills from 4th to 7th August 2022.
These notices and announcements are available to access on MPB’s website: All — Ship Notice | Shipping and Port Bureau of the Ministry of Transport (motcmpb.gov.tw)
Members with vessels calling at Taiwanese ports or transiting waters off Taiwan are recommended to ensure that the coordinates of live military exercise areas are plotted, and reasonable safe distance is maintained from the exclusion zones where military exercises are currently being conducted.

Categories: Loss Prevention, Major Casualty Management