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China MSA to revise the ship routing and reporting system for Xiamen port from 01 Mar 2022

News & Insights 25 February 2022

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China MSA has reported that they have widened and deepened the deep-water route for access to Xiamen port.

The MSA has announced a revision to the routing and reporting requirements which come into effect from 1 March 2022.


Ship smoke

China MSA has reported that they have widened and deepened the deep-water route for access to Xiamen port.

The MSA has announced a revision to the routing and reporting requirements which come into effect from 1 March 2022.

The new requirements need all ships over 50,000 tons to use the deep-water route for inward and outward transits to Dongdu, Haicang and Zhaoyin ports in Xiamen.

Ships calling and departing from Houshi port are required to use the south channel and the Houshi channel.

A revised ship reporting system applicable to all foreign flag ships now replaces the old reporting point off Jiujiejiao and sets up a new reporting line off the Qinqyu lighthouse.

More details are available on the below circular issued by our correspondent Oasis P&I.

We recommend our members to exercise caution when navigating in the area and confirm that the navigation charts and publications are updated to the latest information.

The club would like to thank Oasis P&I for this information.

Category: Loss Prevention

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