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Web Alert: IMO 2020 guidelines for Singapore registered ships and for ships calling Singapore port

News & Insights 23 June 2019

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), in collaboration with the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), has published the second edition of two technical guides on the impending 0.50% fuel oil global sulphur cap.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA), in collaboration with the Singapore Shipping Association (SSA), has published the second edition of two technical guides on the impending 0.5% fuel oil global sulphur cap. Both guides consist of details on Singapore's implementation plan for the IMO 2020 global sulphur cap as well as the outcome of the recent IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee 74th meeting (MEPC 74).
The 'Guide for Singapore-Registered Ships' shares information on the IMO guidelines, Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI and Unified Interpretations, Ship Implementation Plan, Fuel Oil Non-Availability Report (FONAR) Form, Disposal of Non-Compliant Fuel Oil, Fuel Oil Safety, Scrubber Residue and Washwater Discharge, and Enforcement Measure. Members with ships registered under Singapore flag are recommended to take note of ports which have prohibited the discharge of washwater from open-loop scrubbers.
The 'Guide for Ships Calling to Port of Singapore' provides a flowchart for ships calling Singapore and the steps that have to be taken if using compliant fuel, or scrubbers (open-loop, closed-loop & hybrid) or non-compliant fuel. The guidelines highlight that the discharge of washwater from open-loop scrubbers is prohibited in the Port of Singapore. However, there will be reception facilities to receive the residues generated from the operation of hybrid/closed-loop scrubber. From 1 January 2020, members with ships calling port of Singapore will be required to use the revised electronic pre-arrival notification (EPAN) and electronic notification of arrival (ENOA).
MPA will inspect Singapore-registered ships (SRS) as well as foreign-registered ships calling at the port of Singapore in accordance with the Flag State and Port State Control regimes respectively. Ships that fail to use an approved abatement technology, alternative fuel oil or compliant fuel oil will be considered as non-compliant with the IMO 2020 regulations, and punitive actions will be taken.

The guides have been attached to this webalert, but are also available on the MPA's website.

カテゴリ: Pollution, Alternative Fuels

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