Standard Club

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Web Alert: Calls at Qatari ports

News & Insights 20 March 2019

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Members are reminded that direct trade between Qatar and seven other states (the 'Restricting States') remains restricted or prohibited.

Members are reminded that direct trade between Qatar and seven other states - namely Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and the Maldives (together referred to as 'the Restricting States') - remains restricted or prohibited. This relates to discharge of goods originating from Qatar in one or more of the Restricting States, and to discharge of goods originating from one or more of the Restricting States in Qatar. Vessels that are Qatari-flagged or owned/operated by Qatari nationals are also subject to restrictions.

As a general rule, however, the restrictions do not extend to situations simply where a discharge port sequence involves Qatar and one or more of the Restricting States. If, therefore, a vessel is to discharge at a port in a Restricting State, followed by or preceded by discharge at a port in Qatar, this will not generally be prohibited by the Restricting States.

If, however, it is envisaged that a vessel will call at a port in Qatar and a port in a Restricting State, members should first check the position with local agents and the club's correspondents. The applicability of the restrictions to a particular situation depends on the specific facts, and the above is to be seen as general guidance only.

For further guidance, including as to contractual implications arising from calling at ports in Qatar and the Restricting States as part of the same voyage, please see the club's web alert published 12 June 2017 which can be viewed via the link below.

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