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Speaking: Maritime London's IMIF seminar and dinner

Events & Training 22 November 2019

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The club’s sanctions expert, Ewa Szteinduchert, will be part of a panel discussion

One of the club’s sanctions experts, Ewa Szteinduchert, will be part of a panel discussion at Maritime London’s IMIF seminar and dinner.

The seminar will focus on sanctions and their impact on international trade and shipping.

Sanctions are increasingly being applied by nation-states and supranational bodies as a tool to change the behaviour of other nation-states. They have a serious effect on the free and global movement of trade, creating complex compliance requirements with serious implications for multiple stakeholders across the industry.

The seminar will explore the wide-reaching implications of sanctions on owners, insurers, flag states and financiers, the effect they are having on the industry and what can be done to avoid potential breaches. The panel of industry experts will include Daniel Martin, partner at HFW, who will moderate the discussion, Rob Lomas, regulatory administration manager of International Registries, Shreyas Chipalkatty, global industry head of Citi's shipping & logistics and Ewa Szteinduchert, Divisional Claims Director.

For more information and to register visit 

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