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プレスリリース: 正式な承認による大手海上保険会社としてNorthStandardを確立する合併計画が進行中

スタンダードクラブCEO(最高経営責任者)のJeremy GroseとノースCEOのPaul Jenningsは、この新しい組織は、海上リスクマネジメントにおいて最も高い評価を得ている専門家チームもここに集まることになると述べました。
「NorthStandardとして、当クラブは合併の恩恵を十分に受け、サービスの優秀性への取り組み、多様な製品ライン、規模の経済、世界中への展開力を通じて新しい商業機会を開拓することにより、この分野での金融安定性を高め、競合する行動を強化することができます 」と Jennings氏は続けています。「海運業にとって今年も複雑で厳しい年となりましたが、2023年2月20日に当初予定されていた通り、合併されたクラブが順調に市場に投入されたことを嬉しく思います」
North P&I | The Standard Club |
Paul Jennings, CEO, North P&I | Jeremy Grose, CEO, Standard Club |
About North P&I Club: North P&I is a leading global marine insurer providing P&I, FD&D, war risks, hull and machinery, and ancillary insurance to over 250 million GT of owned and chartered tonnage. Through its Sunderland Marine brand, North also provides cover for fishing vessels, small craft, aquaculture risks and owners’ fixed premium. The S&P Global ‘A’ rated Club is based in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK with regional offices and subsidiaries in Australasia, China (Hong Kong and Shanghai), Greece, Ireland, Japan, Singapore and USA. North is a leading member of the International Group of P&I Clubs (IG), with over 12% of the IG’s owned tonnage. The 13 IG clubs provide liability cover for approximately 90% of the world’s ocean-going tonnage and, as a member of the IG, North protects and promotes the interests of the international shipping industry.
For further information, visit: www.nepia.com | About The Standard Club Standard Club is a mutual insurance association and member of the International Group of P&I clubs, owned by its shipowner members and controlled by a board of directors drawn from the membership. The club offers a combination of mutual and fixed-premium covers tailored to suit shipowners, operators and charterers, and has been insuring them for their liabilities to third parties for over 135 years. Standard Club insures about 10% of the world fleet, including bluewater vessels, coastal and inland operators, and specialist offshore vessels. The club also offers other services such as War Risks, and Strike & Delay, a primary business interruption cover that protects a shipowner or charterer when their vessel is held up by strikes, port closures, collisions, breakdowns and other unexpected delays. Standard Club prides itself on quality of service to members, having a personal approach, and sets great store in responsiveness and support at all times, especially in times of crisis. Claims are managed from one of our six international offices, and our global reach is expanded by our extensive correspondent network to provide support wherever, and whenever it is needed. We also put an emphasis on financial strength and stability, which has resulted in an S&P A rating and no unbudgeted supplementary calls for over 20 years.
For more information visit: www.standard-club.com |
For more information: Rob McInally
Debbi Bonner | For more information: Julia Legge Head of Marketing Standard Club +44 20 3889 8223 / 7443269195 Julia.legge@north-standard.com
Bill Lines Managing Director Navigate PR Ltd T: +44 (0)203 326 8460 M: +44 (0)7970 730521 blines@navigatepr.com |