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Press Article: Seafarer mental health - taking a holistic approach

News & Insights 4 December 2018

Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention, says improving the mental health of seafarers is critical but cannot be done in isolation, in an article for The Maritime Executive.

Yves Vandenborn, Director of Loss Prevention, says improving the mental health of seafarers is critical but cannot be done in isolation. It needs to be part of a holistic approach to ensuring their overall wellbeing, which includes a diverse range of physical, emotional and organisational factors. 

Yves' comments have been published in a recent article for The Maritime Executive, available on its website. In the article he looks at the different elements that can impact a seafarer's wellbeing, including diet, exercise and social support.

His comments reflect the recent special edition of Standard Safety which used a mix of articles and practical advice on physical, mental and social wellbeing to provide a comprehensive approach to crew welfare. This is available to download on the right. 


カテゴリー: Loss Prevention

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