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Press Article: Can you prepare for a mega box ship casualty?

News & Insights 13 August 2019

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The increase in the size of vessels has made loss-prevention and disaster management planning more important than ever for shipowners, and their insurers. Insurance Day explores the issues, inspired by the club's Mega Box Ship bulletin.

Over the past 50 years, containerships have increased in size by almost 1,500% - with capacity almost doubling in the past decade alone.

This development has brought significant benefits, but also a number of risk concerns. The increase in the size of vessels has made loss-prevention and disaster management planning more important than ever for shipowners, and their insurers. The industry has responded by setting up a working group to examine the specific challenges involved, which Standard Club participates in. 

Insurance Day explores the issues, inspired by the club's Mega Box Ship bulletin. The article is available on the Insurance Day website

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