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News: Seafarer Wellbeing poster set 3 - Fitness and Exercise

News & Insights 8 January 2020

Your lifestyle choices will directly impact your health. Exercise is a key component of this equation. Our second set of posters focus on the topic of fitness and exercise, and provide useful tips and advice to care for your physical wellbeing.

* PLEASE NOTE the Standard Club Seafarer Wellbeing Poster campaign was designed to focus on four topics considered to have the biggest impact on seafarer wellbeing in modern times, with advice appropriate for the time of release, November 2019. While it continues to be relevant to the daily lives of present-day seafarers, it does not reflect the impact due to the current world health pandemic, COVID-19. You should follow the latest advice on how to care for your health and protect others during the COVID-19 outbreak, available on the World Health Organisation (WHO) website and through your national and local public health authority.*

Seafarer wellbeing has been a focal topic for The Standard Club's Loss Prevention team, particularly in recent years. Seafarer wellbeing is a holistic concept combining physical, mental, and social wellbeing. People often forget how mental and physical wellbeing are linked. You can only be as happy as you are healthy, in body and mind! 

This article focuses on the fitness and exercise element of physical wellbeing. Posters dedicated to this topic are attached on the right. 

Fitness and Exercise

Your lifestyle choices will directly impact your health. Exercise is a key component of this equation. Climbing a flight of stairs will burn five calories while walking one kilometre will burn about 60 calories. Instead of taking the lift, climb the stairs and aim for 10,000 steps each day. 

Exercise does not have to be boring. Gather fellow seafarers and play a team sport like basketball or have a table tennis match. 

Here are eight simple exercises which can be done at sea, within your cabin or with friends, without any equipment at all! They should take around eight minutes a day if done properly. 

Do each activity for 45 seconds, resting 15 seconds between each one and remain hydrated throughout: 

  1. running on the spot  
  2. jumping jacks  
  3. lunges  
  4. push-up  
  5. mountain climber  
  6. squat  
  7. leg raises  
  8. planks  

Before you know it, you would have exercised for longer than the recommended 30 minutes of exercise per day. 

It takes a whole crew to steer one ship. Everyone on board has a role to play, so stay fit to sail!  

For more information on this topic, please read the full article linked below, which provides tips, advice and information to help you educate yourself, your crew, and promote positive health and wellbeing onboard the ship. 

カテゴリー: Loss Prevention

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