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The Standard Club‘s Alongside podcast series features thought-provoking discussions on news and topics in the maritime industry, with experts from the club and special guests in the field.
As decarbonisation and alternative fuels continue to be topics of focus for the industry, we invite industry experts to discuss key developments in the episodes shared below.
Season 2: Alternative fuels - the targets for success
In this episode we take a look at how the maritime industry is navigating the journey to decarbonisation, with a focus on alternative fuels. Despite the need for urgent action and to meet targets set for the industry, there is some confusion about what fuels to adopt, and a need for greater understanding about safety and insurance implications.
We hear from Professor Lynn Loo, CEO of the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation - an NGO whose mission is to help the international shipping sector eliminate its greenhouse gas emissions. She outlines how the targets are useful but challenging. Professor Loo is joined by David Roberts, Managing Director of Standard Club Asia, who gives us insight from the maritime industry and explores how the issue impacts insurance. 29 mins
Meet our guests

Professor Lynn Loo - Chief Executive Officer at the Global Centre for Maritime Decarbonisation, is also the Theodora D. ’78 and William H. Walton III ’74 Professor in Engineering, and Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering, currently on leave from Princeton University. Before GCMD, she was Director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, where she commissioned the Rapid Switch Initiative and the Net-Zero America Study. She also founded Princeton E-ffiliates Partnership, a flagship corporate partner program to engage industry and she launched Princeton’s first executive program in partnership with the World Economic Forum to contextualise the complexities of the energy transition for business leaders. Lynn received BSEs in chemical engineering and materials science and engineering from the University of Pennsylvania and her PhD in chemical engineering from Princeton University. She is co-founder of Andluca Technologies, a startup developing wireless smart window retrofits to increase building energy efficiency and occupant comfort.

David Roberts – Managing Director - Standard Club Asia. Admitted as a Barrister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Western Australia 1991 and later Solicitor of the Senior Courts of England and Wales, David joined Standard Club in 1992. He was appointed Director, Mediterranean & Middle East Division in 2003, UK & Americas Division 2012, before taking on his current role. David is a member of the club’s internal Alternative Fuels Working Group (AFWG), which collaborates and shares knowledge with a dedicated advisory panel (SAFAP) which includes key professionals from the industry across all maritime fields including our membership, with expertise on decarbonisation and alternative fuels. GCMD are also a member of this panel.
Season 1: Alternative Fuels
In this episode, with the need to reduce carbon emissions becoming more critical, our topic is alternative fuels. We’ll discuss the viable options for the shipping industry and the challenges of adopting new fuels. Our guests are Nick Potter, Head of Shipping and Maritime for Shell in Asia Pacific and the Middle East and Saunak Rai, General Manager of FueLNG. 18 mins
Meet our guests

Nick Potter is Shell’s Shipping & Maritime head in Asia-Pacific and Middle East. He is currently Vice Chairman and Director of the Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) and a Board Member of the Singapore Maritime Foundation (SMF). Until recently, he was Chairman of the Lloyds Register Asia Shipowners Committee. Prior to rejoining Shell and returning to Singapore, he was the global head of Maritime for BG Group.

Mr. Saunak Rai is heading “FueLNG”, a Joint venture of Shell and Keppel, a LNG bunkering company providing LNG as bunkers to customers through truck to ship and ship to ship operations. Mr. Saunak Rai is also the Deputy Chairman of the National Technical Committee for LNG Bunkering in Singapore. Mr. Saunak Rai graduated with President’s Gold Medal in Nautical Science from Mumbai University and has completed his Master’s in Business Administration from Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Mr. Saunak Rai is a licensed Master Mariner and has extensive experience of operating Tankers, Bulk Carriers, Gas carriers, LNG vessels, and Container vessels. He is also a certified Chartered Ship Broker and Fellow and Executive Committee Member of the “Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers”. Saunak is also Singapore Ambassador of Copenhagen Business School